- Developments in Post-War II.
- Work stripped down to its most fundamental features.
- Origin: New York 1960.
- Reaction against Abstract Expressionism: Art was not self expression
- Geometric and cubic forms purged of all metaphor.
- Equality of parts.
- Repetition.
- Neutral surfaces.
- Industrial materials
- Piet Mondrian (geometric abstraction painter)
- Frank Stella (American – 1936)
Stripe paintings.
Picture as object rather than as a representation of something.
Wide range of colours.
Variety of materials:metal, wood, aluminum)

Frank Stella
Tony Smith. (1912 – 1980)
- American sculptor, visual artist, and a noticed theorist on art.
- Simple geometrical modules combined on a three-dimensional grid.
- Emerged in the late 1970s in Europe as a reaction against the conceptual and minimalist art of the 1970s.
- Portrayed of recognizable objects such as the human body in a rough and violently emotional way.
- Use of vivid colours and banal colours harmonies.
- Robert Combas (1957. France)
Remi Blanchard
Herve Di Rosa (France)
Kenny Scharf (1958. America)
Enzo Cucchi (1949. Italy) Key member of the Italian Transvaguardia movement

Robert Combas-Peal Harbour-1988
- Kelly D Williams (American artist, designer, and writer/poet)
- Miquel Barcelo (1957. Spain.) Violent brushtrokes and stern image.
- David Salle(1952. America.)Yuxtaposed images or images painted on top of each other.
Subject matter: the popular, the gratuitous, and the pornographic, combined in ways that appeared deliberately incomprenhensible. Sources of images: magazines, stock photographs and pornography.

- American artist. 1960-1988.
- Graffiti artist and Neo–expressionist artist.
- Three broad styles:
- Earliest period(1980-1982) Basquiat used painterly gestures on canvas, often depicting skeletal figures and mask-like faces. Other imaginery: automobiles, buildings, police, children’s sidewalk games and graffiti.
- Middle period(1982-1985) featured multipanel paintings and individual canvases with exposed stretcher bars, the surfaces denses with writing, collage and seemingly unrelated imagery.
- Final period (1986 to his death). New type of figurative depiction, in a new style with different symbols and content from new sources.
- “Every single line means something.”
- “Believe it or not, I can actually draw.”
- “I wanted to be a star, not a gallery mascot.”
Work done by Diana Martínez, for the subject Language and Culture 2