lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

High and Low

Watch this video on differences between High and Low Culture and in view of what you have read, make a comment.

19 comentarios:

Leticia Urquiza dijo...

After I have read the essay about High, Low and Mass culture and after I've seen the video I argue that there isn't a culture for high class or a culture for low peolpe. Because culture depends on us, and belongs to peple's minds.
There are some interesting questions that the video shows, and in my opinion the best answer that summarize everything is at the end when it says "It's your culture,you decide"

Florencia Falcone dijo...

According to what I have read and what I have seen in the video, I think that the word "culture" has expanded in the last century. On the first hand, we tend to associate high culture with education and high society, for example it has been thought that appreciation of works of art can only be achieved by intellectual people who have gone through a lengthy process of education. On the other hand, with the arrived of certain advancements in technology and the mas media, for example: radio, television, internet, etc. This Mass media brought a popular culture in which all people have access and people are viewed as consumer. In addition to this,Mass media is important for massification of culture. For instance, a person of low society (low culture) could appreciate a famous painting through a picture in a magazine.
I came to the conlcusion that, as Andrew Giddings says in his essay about High, Low and Mass Culture, the division betwee high and low culture is in our minds, so we restrict ourselves. The video shows that it is our desition to choose our own culture. Although there is still a division, now art could be popular. So, it is our job, as teachers, to help spread arts and to open up students´ minds.

ana cuello dijo...

Nowadays we find ourselves in a new world,where cultures are free to adapt to new changes.And that's what happens with the boundaries that are said to divide culture.
Culture isn't divided as we are told,the line that divides one kind (as high culture)is generally crossed .So inmediately we pass from listening opera to listening heavy metal rock ,and doesn't mean that we are part time high culture fans.
I think we are in a globalized world and we are able to get to art ,music ,literature as being high,low and mass registers.Internet and other aspects made us consumers of all kinds.I'm happy to be in this world.I'm thanked to the sociologists and other professionals that study this great global village.As we observed in the video culture has spread over the world and people with it ,as part of culture.

Rayen dijo...

After reading the essay and watching the video, I can say there is no High and Low Culture.I mean, Culture is for everybody at this time.Nowadays, there are no boundaries about Art among people. For instance, we can go to concerts in which rock stars sing with opera singers. Moreover, we can enjoy going to a museum or visiting it in a virtual way. Mass Media makes Art more accesible to most of the people.
Finally, boundaries are in our minds and as teachers is our responsability to teach Art without them.

silvina dijo...

according to what i'v seen,i think that there is no difference between cultures,people make the difference.we build our society so we act according to what we want,so the division exist because human being create this.nobody can say to you what musicyou have to listen according to your CULTURE.the problem is in poeple's mind,they mark a line.

ISFD 97_Inglés dijo...

High, Low and mass Culture

Being Andrew Giddings ´s essay purpose to discuss the possibility of distinguish between “high culture or low and mass culture”, so is the video. The difference among them is that the aim of the writing is to convince us that we are responsible for the barriers that through the years we have created. With clear definitions and descriptions Giddings guides the reader to what he is convinced about. Quite similar is the video posted on the blog, imagines that unconsciously or not not, lead us to divide it into two well defined types of cultures. If I watch “American Idol”, there s no doubt that automatically I will classify it as a piece of popular art. On the hand, a virtual tour through a museum will be high culture. We cannot discuss that these categories exist only in our mind, but as long as they are somewhere they exit and we use them. Although the mass media is important for making art accessible for more people, we are at the beginning of a long and hard way to go through: bringing down the barriers where high culture is appropriated by the elite. Although the author refers to these lines that divide categories as borders between countries, these borders exist despite all the effort that many authors or us want to do. Probably here is where we should focus on the advantages of globalization: the effect that causes where cultures and social structures tend to amalgamate.

Sandra Varsalona

Unknown dijo...

I have read the essay "High, Low and mass culture" about critical discussion of culture, and I have found it an interesting reading, and I would understand that there is an imaginary line which divides the categories of high social class and low acording to the income. But, when we talk about culture we can´t say there are a high and a low culture because, when we talk about culture we are making reference about how we are as society. It depends on us, be better of as we are as members of a great society. Day by day, step by step

So, I think, It is easy to pull down categories of culture which exist only in our minds. It is an very good exercise to do.
Now, talking about the video when I saw it,
brainstorming and pictures appeared in my mind. I would recognized well known actors, classical,
that I asked myself, is Low culture or disinterestedness ?I would like to add something about this , "big brother" tv programme offers to young people win a prize in pesos. but, what must they do to get the prize? grow intellectually do for a chance? no... just the opposite. now i return to the video,
Actors, actresses popular singers, sports programs that show you successful athletes but ... what is offered by the newspapers and tv? i think this video, has shown me the necessity to return to our root. I have a new opportunity, to be good teacher, i should open my minds and see that the future is today ,and i should do the best that i can.

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

I think that culture is culture,it doesn`t depend on how much money you have or which social class you belong`s free as we are.
Culture involves : any kind of way of living,clothes,music,art,costumes,
all of them related to us,human beings.
I agree that business is business and that money is part of our material world,but it doesn`t have to influence,to segregate,or to make people feel without rights to access to a particular style of culture.
We,as teachers,must be like bridges, in order to let our students access to different styles or types of culture.

ISFD 97_Inglés dijo...


After reading the essay , I can say that I am absolutely sure that there is no difference between High, Low and Mass culture. Mass media is very important to not make any distintion, as mass media is seen as a massification of culture and everyone has the chance of consuming any kind of product.It is our choice.
I strongly believe that the boundaries that divide culture are in our minds.I think that it is also unfair the fact of treating someone in a different way because you may think that she or he belongs to a different culture than yours.People should be open minded enough to understand this.

Anahí Demarchi

eva dijo...

In my opinion, these days we don´t speak about the divisions of Culture, into High or Low, as much as it used to be some years ago. The Mass Media category has been widely accepted, because it joins and relates the “two cultures”, as Giddings explains so well in his essay.
Of course still there is a lot to work on to break down the imaginary boundaries that devide Culture. However, it is not only to talk about one Culture. I think that the division of it is a consequence of the division of social classes.And we, as future teachers, need to change some ideologies our society has, in order to became a better one. As the video shows, we choose in which Culture we decide ti live in.

Anónimo dijo...

From my point of view, culture is not only in our minds there is something else in the societies, something that is very difficult to define.In old times cultural barriers were clear and defined, but now the mass media, such as television and internet plays an important role in the modern society.I think that the mass media offers a wide variety of options from very different cultures but it doesn´t delete them. Now, barriers are not completely drawn but they are still present and we must be conscious and aware of that, especially as future teachers to get rid of them as far as possible.

ISFD 97_Inglés dijo...

High, low and mass culture

Having read the article of Andrew Giddings and seen the video in the blog I would say that lines or barrier between “high” and “low” culture are blurred, but not because they have disappeared, the fact is that they are somewhere else, they are not where they used to be any more. In former times that difference was clearly noticeable and it had to do with WHAT people did, what they bought or owned , or where they lived; and now, that difference is more related with the HOW, which is more difficult to be perceived.This happens because societies have developed and relations among and within them are more complex now.
The conceptions of “high” and “low” culture are rarely based on the quality of the product itself, but always on a system of values stated as a result of the tense relationship between the powerful and the rest of the society in a certain historical and environmental context. Their definitions have no content by themselves, we human beings fill them in according to the criteria that is in force.
On the other hand, it is true that mass media has revolutioned communications and global relations and that there are more and more possibilities of sharing and accessing information, business, etc., in addition, we have improved in terms of respect of human rights and free expression. Furthermore, in current days, discrimination and injustice are morally punished. But, if we say that because of that we are all equal from now on, we are lying. First, because not all the people in the world can access to mass media, and then, because if we all have the same possibilities, each of us would appropriate it in a different way. Here is where barriers show their existence: through their effects: opinions, tastes, choices, behaviour, values, priorities, etc. They are part of the aspects that determine the lens through which we see the world (including the blindness we suffer towards certain things)
If, we as teachers, commit to the cause, we have to keep on fighting against them, for example, we can add our grain of sand causing any change in that direction in the tiny world of the class.

Lía Muratore

ISFD 97_Inglés dijo...

High, low and mass Culture

Even though the line between high and popular culture has been blurred by mass media and a lot of people can enjoy Placido Domingo singing at the obelisc, there are others that can’t access at this due to their economic or social situation, because of barriers like priorities, needs or taste.
The video shows artists like Van Gogh, Sara Vaughan, Dali, etc. all of them are part of the world culture indeed, we can choose whether appreciate them or not, but that decision won’t be casual, it will be determined by many aspects.
Art, literature, music, culture in general moves like waves up and down, according to time and context. Suddenly a recycling is produced like sixty’s fashion furniture.

Susana Candelon

ISFD 97_Inglés dijo...

People always made distinctions, I think is one of the characteristic of human race, to feel that they have to be different, to feel that they have to be better than "the rest", is like some people need to feel superior, so they classify everything, even what you can hear, see, wear or not. But now something has change, we can discuss about it, we can receive material everywhere, we can think, and most important we are free to talk and create a critical comment or even made a change. And this is because we are in a globalize world, and as Anna said, I feel very happy to live in this world, I have the opportunity to live those changes, and I can’t wait to see the future generations, more open minded than us, more free, and more critical, i take this from the essay " Boundaries are in our minds" and I take this from the video " you decide it".

Natalia Gatica,

ISFD 97_Inglés dijo...

I think that it doesn’t exist a division between "high culture or art" and "popular media", on the contrary, mass media, high culture and popular culture are mixed together because people are free enough to choose between listening to classical music at home or going to a theatre, for instance. both possibilities are correct. i mean, we can use the technology to be cultured. it doesn’t matter our social conditions.
According to the essay by Andrews Gidding and the video in this blog, i believe that "culture" is touched at the museums, read in libraries, watched on TV and listened in Cds, only if you have access to all of these things. that is why i say that we have the option to read a book by Shakespeare or get it in an online library.
Finally, we create our own culture, because people minds change, societies change, governments change and we can not be classified in high or mass media culture. that classification is in our mind.

Valeria Andrade

ISFD 97_Inglés dijo...

We always label culture in terms of high and low, but if we take into account that culture is our identity,I mean,is the custom and the uses of a nation,we have to give up considerating that culture belongs to rich people, maybe we have to think that rich people can access to places like museums or theatres where poor people can´t because of the lack of money for instance,but art is everywhere,we just need the motivation to appreciate it.
We don´t have to forget that all expresion of art is culture´s for all of us.

Alejandra Laglaive

Marianela Artaza dijo...

High and low culture are connected with what is called "Mass Media". This term has influenced in the division that existed in the past between low and high culture.. which is changing in our modern world and members of the dominant class now consume more and more. For example, classical music is "mass media" when it is heard on the radio but it is "high culture"
when it is enjoyed in a theatre.
Nowadays all the people have the oportunity to access to some forms of art that are known as "High Culture".
To sum up, I can added that culture is being globalised and that division between High and Low Culture is disappearing.. The division exists only in every mind...

ISFD 97_Inglés dijo...

Well done!!! Thanks to all of you who have contributed to the subject with your comments.It`s great to see how the input has generated discussion and thought.